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ChatGPT, create a perfect expert level SEO-Optimized article outline

With ChatGPT, you can create a perfect expert level SEO-Optimized article outline.


So, let’s imagine you’re writing an article that you want a lot of people to find on the internet, like Google. To do this, you need to follow some steps:
  1. Find the right words: You need to figure out what words or phrases people type into Google when they’re looking for information on the topic you’re writing about. These are called keywords.
  2. Understand your topic well: You need to know a lot about the topic you’re writing about. This way, you can answer all the questions your readers might have.
  3. See what others are doing: Look at the other articles that show up on Google when you search your keywords. This will help you understand what makes them good, so you can make your article even better.
  4. Know your audience: Think about who will be reading your article. What do they want to know? What do they like? This will help you write an article they will enjoy.
  5. Plan your article: Write an outline for your article. This is like a roadmap that shows what you’re going to talk about and in what order.
  6. Make it easy to read: Break up your article into sections with headings, use pictures, and keep your sentences and paragraphs short. This makes it easier for people (and Google) to understand what your article is about.
  7. Double-check everything: After you finish writing, go back and make sure you’ve done everything you can to make your article easy to find and fun to read.

Remember, your goal is to make an article that people will love to read and that they can easily find on Google. If you can do that, you’ve done a great job!


Creating a perfect, expert-level SEO-optimized article outline requires a wide range of information. Below are the key pieces of information you’ll need:
  1. Keyword Research: This is the first and one of the most crucial steps. You should know your target keywords and the search intent behind them. You need to understand what your audience is looking for when they use these keywords. Use tools like Google Keyword Planner, SEMRush, Ahrefs, or Moz for this.
  2. Topic Research: Understand the topic you’re writing about in-depth. Identify key points, recent developments, popular opinions, controversies, and relevant statistics.
  3. Competitor Analysis: Review top-ranking content on your chosen topic to understand what they’re doing right. Analyze their structure, the depth of their content, their keyword usage, and their backlink strategy. Tools like SEMRush and Ahrefs can help with this analysis.
  4. Target Audience: Knowing your audience is key to creating a successful SEO-optimized article. Understand their pain points, questions, demographics, and what kind of content they like.
  5. Content Length: Based on the competition and the nature of the topic, decide on an ideal content length. Longer articles tend to rank better on Google, but the content must remain high-quality and relevant.
  6. SEO Factors: You should know key on-page SEO factors, such as meta descriptions, title tags, header tags, alt text for images, URL structure, and internal linking strategy.
  7. Content Format: Decide on the best format for your content. Depending on the topic and your audience, it might be a how-to guide, listicle, case study, infographic, or a combination of these.

Given these pieces of information, a sample SEO-optimized article outline might look something like this:

I. Introduction

  • Hook
  • Brief overview of the topic
  • Primary keyword in the first 100 words

II. Section 1: Point #1 (Secondary Keyword)

  • Detailed explanation
  • Supporting data or examples

III. Section 2: Point #2 (Secondary Keyword)

  • Detailed explanation
  • Supporting data or examples

IV. Section 3: Point #3 (Secondary Keyword)

  • Detailed explanation
  • Supporting data or examples

V. Conclusion

  • Summary of key points
  • Call to action (could be encouraging comments, sharing, subscribing, etc.)

VI. Meta Description

  • A summary of the article with the primary keyword

Remember, while SEO is important, it’s equally crucial to provide value to your readers and keep them engaged. Your content should always be written for humans first and search engines second.

VII. Images and Media

  • Relevant images, graphs, videos, or infographics to break up text and support your points.
  • Use Alt text with relevant keywords for each image.

VIII. Internal and External Links

  • Add relevant internal links to older articles or pages on your website.
  • Add authoritative external links, where it makes sense, to provide additional value and context to your readers.

IX. FAQs or Q&A Section (Secondary Keywords)

  • Consider including an FAQ section where you address common queries related to your topic.
  • This section can be helpful for voice search optimization and can also enable you to rank in Google’s “People also ask” feature.

X. Schema Markup

  • Depending on your content, you might want to add schema markup. For instance, if it’s a how-to guide, you can use HowTo schema. This helps search engines better understand your content and can improve your visibility in SERPs.

XI. Call to Action

  • Another important aspect is guiding your reader to a next step or action, whether it’s another relevant blog post, a product page, a subscription form, or a downloadable asset.

XII. Social Sharing Buttons

  • Ensure easy ways for readers to share your content on their social networks.

XIII. Comments Section

  • Encourages engagement and feedback, providing opportunities to naturally add more relevant keywords to the page content.

Finally, once your article is written, it’s important to revisit it for SEO editing:


SEO Review and Editing

  • Use an SEO checklist to review and ensure that you’ve included your keywords in the right places: title tag, meta description, URL, headers, and throughout the content.
  • Check readability and formatting to ensure it’s user-friendly.
  • Make sure your content provides real value and answers the search intent.

Remember, SEO is not a one-time effort; it requires ongoing optimization and monitoring. Use analytics to understand how your content is performing, and don’t hesitate to make adjustments as needed. Continuously learn from your successes and areas for improvement.

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